Plugins: write an Jinja filter plugin
Blurry makes it easy to add custom Jinja filters to your site. What is a Jinja filter? From the Jinja docs:
Filters are Python functions that take the value to the left of the filter as the first argument and produce a new value. Arguments passed to the filter are passed after the value.
For example, the filter
{{ 42|myfilter(23) }}
is called behind the scenes as myfilter(42, 23).
Example: "stars"
This function outputs a number of Unicode stars corresponding to the input, rounding to the nearest half-star.
import math
def float_to_stars(num: float, max: int = 5) -> str:
whole_stars = math.floor(num) * STAR_FILLED
part_star = STAR_HALF_FILLED if num - len(whole_stars) > 0 else ""
non_empty_stars = f"{whole_stars}{part_star}"
return f"{non_empty_stars:{STAR_EMPTY}{'<'}{max}}"
To use it, add the appropriate plugin syntax to your pyproject.toml
stars = "{{ yourproject }}:float_to_stars"