
Content: Markdown

Content is written in Markdown with TOML front matter. Specifically, Blurry uses Mistune, along with a number of Blurry-specific customizations, to convert Markdown to HTML.

Here's what a basic about page might look like, using the AboutPage schema type:

"@type" = "AboutPage"
name = "About Blurry"
abstract = "Learn about Blurry, a static site generator build for page speed and SEO"
datePublished = 2023-01-07
image = "../images/blurry-logo.png"
_is_this_available_in_a_template = True

# About Blurry

Regular Markdown content can go here.


On top of Mistune's built-in plugins, Blurry ships with a number of Markdown customizations.

Blurry converts relative file paths in Markdown to absolute paths in the build folder. For example:


will be rendered as:

<a href="/about/">About</a>

External links are opened in a new tab and have the rel="noopener" attribute for security:

<a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">John Franey</a>


See Content: images for more information.


See Content: videos for more information.



Blurry includes a plugin to convert certain punctuation shortcuts into the apporpriate characters. For example:


Blurry ships with a "Container" plugin, which extends Mistune's Admonition directive and is useful for notes, warnings, and other asides. Its syntax is:

I'm an info paragraph!

which renders as:

<aside role="note" class="info">
    <p>I'm an info paragraph!</p>

Supported container names are:

Python Source Code

Blurry's Python Source Code plugin makes it easy to insert the source of a Python function, class, or other object into a document as a fenced code block.

For example, to show Blurry's internal MarkdownFileData type using the Python Source Code block syntax:


will behave the same as:

class MarkdownFileData:
    body: str
    front_matter: dict[str, Any]
    path: Path

but the Python source code will update on build if this type changes, unlike copying & pasting the code into a code block.