
Blurry: A Python-powered static site generator

What is Blurry?

Blurry is a static site generator with a terrible pun of a name: if you're generating static sight, you're making things Blurry.

Blurry brings the concept of schema-first development to static site generators. Specifically, Blurry uses schema type names as the names for its template files, and schema type properties as Markdown front matter to populate those templates.


SEO performance

Blurry supports and Open Graph with zero configuration. This enables rich Google results and link previews out-of-the-box.

Page speed

While using Blurry doesn't guarantee good page speed, it does solve a number of pain points that tend to slow down page loads.

Blurry's image handling and HTML minification, for instance, can help get you a 100/100 PageSpeed score if the rest of your site is fast.

Minimal configuration

Blurry seeks to use sensible defaults so you can spend less time configuring and more time writing. A viable Blurry configuration file (blurry.toml) can be as simple as:

domain = ""

Semantic HTML

Where applicable, Blurry tries to use semantic HTML elements like <aside> over more generic elements like <div>. Using semantic HTML elements also facilities classless CSS styling, which can be useful when styling some Markdown-generated HTML elements, and it can be good for accessibility, too.


"Gotta go fast!"

While Blurry aims to be performant, build performance is not its top priority. It's written in Python, so it may not be able to compete on speed with other static site generators like Hugo. Instead, it aims to be fast enough while taking advantage of the Python ecosystem.